Application tracking, overview and search tool
HR Lab Assistant
HR Lab Assistant
Application tracking, overview and search tool
HR Lab Assistant (ATS) is an application tracking tool, made with the intention of making the process of employee regrutaiton and applicant selection easier, as well as gathering and evaluation of the data collected from applicants.
HR Lab Assistant
Application tracking, overview and search tool
HR Lab Assistant (ATS) is an application tracking tool, made with the intention of making the process of employee regrutaiton and applicant selection easier, as well as gathering and evaluation of the data collected from applicants.
If you want a centralized, automatic and standardized job posting process for your job ads, where all the candidates' applications arrive in one location, try using HR Lab Assistant and all the possibilities it offers.
HR Lab Assistant standardizes all your selection processes and saves you time, allowing you to focus on the candidates.
A tool that saves time.
Selection rounds
An organized overview of your selection process. Flexible selection rounds for each open position - change the names and number of steps. Send feedback to all candidates from the same round.
Selection in your hand
HR Lab Assistant is mobile-friendly. Work isn't just done on computers these days. Review new applications while drinking your morning coffee or waiting in line at the bank.
Teamwork makes everything easier, which is why you're not alone in HR Lab Assistant. Invite colleagues and coworkers to participate in the selection process with you. Teammates can be invited with several levels of access rights.
Feedback in just three clicks
Your employer brand begins in the selection process. Candidates will appreciate your company more if they receive feedback. In just a few clicks, send candidates a thank-you note, a rejection letter or an invitation to interview.
Secure data in one place
HR Lab Assistant complies with both GDPR and ZZPL (the Serbian equivalent), and provides features that help you stay compliant in selection. If your company requires it, we can sign a DPA.
Have a question for us?
We would be delighted to present HR Lab to you and answer all your questions.