Employer Branding
Branding with resultsIt's very difficult to find the right candidates for your team. It's even harder to retain the best employees. Build a positive reputation in the employment market, for the best candidates to come and stay with you. Let's work together to create the best solution for your company.
Employer Branding
Branding with resultsIt's very difficult to find the right candidates for your team. It's even harder to retain the best employees. Build a positive reputation in the employment market, for the best candidates to come and stay with you. Let's work together to create the best solution for your company.
The power of the Infostud ecosystem
Use the full potential of our sites so that the message about you as an employer always reaches exactly the target group you need!
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The largest and leading employment website in Serbia
3.2 milion+
montly visits
The largest database of IT jobs and information about employers in Serbia
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A website dedicated to the career development of young people
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Employer branding solutions
Building a successful employer brand starts with looking into your own company. Research employee satisfaction and compare results with candidates' expectations in the Serbian job market. The results will show you how to become a desirable company.
When you find out what your company's strong points are, spread the word to job seekers on the leading recruitment website in Serbia.
Your brand is your story. Let's tell it together. Use the power of our digital tools to inspire job seekers to work for you.
Employer branding is a strategy that has an impact on employees and company market success. Planning and branding of the hiring process today brings quality to the future. We offer you a helping hand in this process, through a range of branding services. Through a partnership, we support your employer brand.
EB Studio offer