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Folders and job ads

Your job ads are now organized into folders – a new feature that allows you to sort ads according to your needs, as well as to use our new service, the CV Database.

With the new changes, all your previous job ads will be sorted into the same-named folder, while for all future ads, you have the option to choose whether they will remain in the same-named folder or be added to an existing one.

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This change brings you many advantages:

Optimization of the selection process. If you have multiple job ads for the same type of position, they can all be placed in one folder, allowing you to carry out the selection of candidates for all applications at once, as well as for each individual job ad.


Statistics of multiple job ads in one place. For all job ads within one folder, you can now review the statistics in one place.


Flexibility. The decision on how you will categorize your job ads is up to you – you can sort them by position, by region, or any other criteria. If you do not want to use folders, just let each listing be in the same-named folder during job ad ordering.


New service – CV Database. With it, you can search for and add candidates to your chosen folder, whether it is an existing or newly created folder. One folder can now contain candidates that you have added from the CV database, as well as those who apply to your published job ads that are in that folder.

Dodaj u folder - HR Lab Asistent


Important information:

• Access is now assigned at the folder level, not individual job ad. If you want certain users to have access to only one job ad, we recommend that you leave that job ad in a separate folder and avoid adding other job ads to that folder.

• Creating folders can be done in two ways:
∙ During job ad ordering, at the second step of the ordering form. There you can choose an existing folder, create a new one by entering the folder name, or leave the folder name field empty, which will result in creating a folder with a name identical to your job ad name.
∙ Through the CV database, when selecting the “Save Candidate” option. You can choose an existing folder or create a new one.


This is just the initial phase of changes that we are working on with the aim of providing you with an even better user experience within HR Lab Assistant. In the coming period, you can expect more changes and improvements.

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